The Congress of Aboriginal People

AMNSIS (Association of Metis, Non and Status Indians Saskatchewan) is the official PTO ( Provincial/Territorial Organization) for Saskatchewan with the national representative organization, the Congress of Aboriginal People (CAP), formerly known as the Native Council of Canada (NCC). The Native Council of Canada was established in 1971.

The Canadian Constitution

Harry Daniels, the past President of the Native Council of Canada, now known as the Congress of Aboriginal People, was instrumental in having the terms, “Indian, Inuit and Metis” entrenched in section 35 of the Canadian Constitution in 1982.

Daniels vs Canada (Indian Affairs & Northern Development)

The Decision is named for Harry Daniels (1940–2004), a Métis from Saskatchewan, former CAP leader, and one of the plaintiffs on the case:

The Daniels Decision began with Harry Daniels, Leah Gardner and the Congress of Aboriginal People (CAP), Gabriel Daniels, Terry Joudry were later added as plaintiffs. This case is the culmination of a 17-year-long legal battle with the Government of Canada that finally made it clear that the federal government has a fiduciary responsibility for Métis and non-status Indians and are Indians under section 91(24) and section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.

It needs to be made very clear this case was launched with the Congress of Aboriginal People.

Note: As ‘Indian’ is still a legal term in Canadian Law, this is why it’s sometimes used in our publications and materials.

Webcast of the Hearing on 2015-10-08